emergingchurch.info has borrowed The Métissage of the Church post. they cut 'n' pasted it H E R E with all the original type-os and american spelling. it's cool when there are people who occasionally like what i say and even how i say it.... doesn't happen that often.
Great issue! the other articles are thought provoking, transformational (i think the "extreme church" bungee jumping baptism thing is probably an April fools joke: it's a lot easier to use Photo Shop to slip a baguette into a parachutist’s hand than it would actually be to break bread as one's body plummets to the earth at 200kms per hrs, not even to mention opening a bottle of wine at such speed.. pretty funny stuff!) go check it out here.
Moya Ratnayake of freshworship.org asked a fundamental question about the métissage article:
Hi Jonathan,
I love the new word - well it is to me. Only metis is in my dictionary. Is Metissage french? - or a new word in the english dictionary I didn't know of , or one you made up?
Great article. I agree! (although there are some of us girls out there too in the discussion - but only some)
(youthworker & member of Grace team)
I answered:
yes, moya, métissage is a french word, a good one with a positive connotation ...at least in the Paris region. the very unfortunate english translation would be "cross-breeding", pas très joli and doesn't communicate the idea i wanted to get across. métissage is a word used to refer to a blending of races, the racial transformation of whole populations. One thinks naturally of Brazil or North Africa.
I believe we will begin to see the métissage of all the major urban centers of the West. In Paris it has even become common to refer to "le métissage culturel," meaning obviously the blending of cultures. For example, my children are French-American and so they are "des métis culturels." In certain circles, its a badge of honor to not be "just" French, whatever that means.
thanks for being curious enough to ask and humble enough to admit not knowing. out of all the feedback on the métissage post, you are the only one with the courage to have asked . we both know that you're not the only one of the over 1600 people (according to typepad stats) who read it but who didn't know. i suspect that's one of the reasons why we need many, many more women in the conversation. cheers!