This year is coming to an end, but our 4th quarter letter is about new beginnings. We are especially excited that in October we incorporated OIKOS as a new French non-profit organization. OIKOS will serve our French church association to develop intercultural workers and to send them as missionaries to the broader French-speaking world, especially Africa.
Since this letter was published, we've also learned that OIKOS is now officially WorldVenture's second Journey Corps site. I'll tell you more about the OIKOS/Journey Corps partnership in early 2011. WorldVenture will be launching it's recruitment campagne on 31 Jan with a goal to have 5 journeyers in France by October 2011.
For now, we want you to know about our plans to return to France. To read this update letter, please download the pdf file by clicking on the following link: Download Finley-4thQuarterUpdate2010
We appreciate your friendship and interest in our lives. We love you !
Jonathan (for the French Finleys)